NYSDEC Brownfield Cleanup Program
Contaminated properties requiring cleanup in NYS can enter a voluntary program known as the New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program to encourage cleanup during a property’s redevelopment. The NYSBCP is very easy to enter if certain conditions are met. The benefits of entering the NYSBCP include receiving a certification at the completion of the project that:
The property is safe and requires no further remedial action.
The property owner is free and clear of liability for any remaining contamination at or in the vicinity of the property.
The property owner is eligible for extensive tax credits following completion of remedial activities based upon (a) the cost of remedial activities, (b) if the development includes low-income housing, and (c) if the property is in an “Enzone” or other specially designated district.
Once accepted into the NYSBCP, a thorough investigation of the property is performed. All investigations and remedial activities are coordinated with the NYSDEC and NYSDOH.
ACT’s engineers, scientists and accountants can help you identify the most cost-effective way of developing a contaminated property into a model of sustainability for the community. Please contact ACT to inquire into ways we can be of assistance in your development project.
Coordination with NYSDEC and NYSDOH
Undeground Storage Tank(UST) Removal